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Organic Hard Red Winter Wheat - Steir 5210

PROTEIN 9.1% / GLUTEN 19.8% / STARCH 70.8% 


Bred and released by Virginia Tech this hard red wheat variety is well adapted to our organic system and is a customer favorite. Rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, with medium gluten strength, it imparts a mild nutty flavor with notes of cinnamon and honey.


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Organic Soft Red Winter Wheat - Liberty 5658

PROTEIN 8.9% / GLUTEN 18.6% / STARCH 71.3% 


Selected for its superior yield and excellent baking quality, this soft red wheat creates a creamy flour with a mild flavor and gluten strength most typically used in cakes, muffins or pastries. A Grapewood Farm exclusive!


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Organic Appalachian Hard White Wheat

PROTEIN 10.4% / GLUTEN 22.9% / STARCH 69.9% / FALLING# 380


New for 2023! This hard white wheat variety is simply stunning! Yielding a buttery, light color flour with flavor more mild than a red. Its stronger protein and excellent gluten development makes it ideal for breads and pasta.


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Organic Danko Winter Rye

PROTEIN 9.4% / GLUTEN 18.4% / STARCH 69.1% 


This Polish variety grows well in our Virginia soils, resulting in an excellent milled flour with superior baking qualities. Its earthy and uniquely complex flavor works well in sourdough breads.


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Organic Sungold Spelt

PROTEIN 11.1% / GLUTEN 24.8% / STARCH 69.8% 


A robust "ancient grain" similar to wheat, bred for its hardiness and remarkable baking characteristics. We dehull the grain on-farm to maintain its freshness. The milled amber berries yield a beautiful pale golden flour with a nutty aroma. Its gluten structure provides a unique alternative to wheat, which some customers find more easily digestible.


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